
Jerry sorry but I have to disagree with your comment. Microsoft are making changes to their codebase right now. Two examples: the assemblies they modified for the migration tool, and some other small features they want to add to the final product.
Plus the new fashion they have to add patches, sorry in Microsoft language it's called a workaround.
No the Beta 2 was supposed to be close to the RTM and it's not. Top that with all the different CTP and internal builts and yes you have matter for another Beta.
OK I am realistic this won't happen. But at least it could be nice to have a roadmap on the different next steps.
What will happen after the 7th of November? We are not in the same situation than .Net 1.0 where everything was new.
Now we're talking here about an existing base of thousand of projects, applications, components, etc... all built on the promise of a continuity.


  • Disagreement and discussion is good.

    You are correct, there have been some changes. For example, there has been a small change to web projects to support 'copy-local' type functionality.

    This is a low-risk change. Really, all they've done is some extra code to fire a build event. No big deal.

    However, The VS.NET team, the CLR team, the language and compiler teams all have to be very, very careful at this late stage in the game. In the MSF model, these teams are well past 'code complete' and are almost done with 'stabilization'. This is not the time to add new features, or make design changes to existing features.

    Beta 3 would have an extremely short lifetime. It would likely have limited usefullness, as Microsoft would have very little time to respond to issues.

  • Totally agree discussion is good :-) As I said I know for sure a Beta 3 is unlikely, but I would like to see some commitement from Microsoft about thier update policy. After all we spent three without any updates at all, not becuase they were unnecessary, on the contrary but because none existed.

    Now I seriously think Microsoft is playing a tricky game, like an acrobat, balancing between what they promised and waht they can't do.However I agree that their openness has never be so accurately timely.

    We need a roadmap until Orcas, becuase we are talking about 3 to 4 years lifetime for VS 2005. So as developers we can't afford to choose the wrong way.I really tried hard to convert my fifferent web applications, and at his minute I am seriously disapointyed by what I got. Of course I love VS 2005 but I won't sacrifice all the time and energy I spent jus to make a bunck of marketeers happy.

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