General Network Error... more than 2 years and still looking for a coherent solution

This post has been probably the most unsuccessful attempt to solve a very weird .Net error.

I am still waiting for an answer (like many apparently). Well Parmesh thanks for the KB, but this is not really related to the issue.

Anyway now that Scott Guthrie knows this blog, maybe he can give us an answer. I just hope this has been solved with .Net 2.0

1 Comment

  • I work for a web hosting company, and we get developers running into this about once a month (well, we get e-mails from them about once a month).

    Things that I suggest:

    Check if you are passing large chunks of text as parameters without specifying their types

    Is the CommandTimeout the default value

    usually those two take care of the issues that pop up. They are a big problem with the application blocks mostly because of the timeout bug.

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