[Announcement] INETA Ireland is now official
I am pleased to announce that Paul Fallon has taken the role to represent the INETA Ireland bureau, starting from today.
After all the energy spended by all the Irish .Net Communities (INDA, Nuimtug and IrishDev) it's really a great gift for Christmas 2005 :-)
Now it will be difficult for me to rant anymore on the lack of community in Ireland! Thanks Damir, Christian and particularly to Benjamin Mitchell for your help.
So like Damien from Nimtug and John from IrishDev, I am paret of the bureau and our objectives are quite easy, making this community rock'n rolling!
Don't forget, if you're coming to the INDA conference on the 25th of October, uwillb bl o conratultP,ho ill eor main akers or the day.
From Paul Fallon, I just like to post his announcemnet in its own words:
With the Irish .NET usergroup community in Ireland growing really fast over the last 12 months, we have seen new usergroups form in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Galway and the southeast, further adding to the .NET community that was in place through IrishDev.com.
We have had many great events in 12 months – orgainsed by INDA in Dublin, Cork, Galway and South-east, by IrishDev in Dublin, and the great work done by the guys in NIMTUG in Belfast – and each group wants to do more.
To help the .NET developer community in Ireland grow even further, INETA have asked me to the INETA liason for Irish .NET Developer Usergroups. This means I will work with all of the usergroups, making sure they have access to information, resources and International speakers. And also, if new .NET usergroups start, helping them out.
Previously this was done by Benjamin Mitchell, who works with the many usergroups across Ireland and the UK. He has done a excellent job helping us guys here in Ireland (and will continue to do so for the UK), helping out all of the usergroups that have formed here in Ireland and orgainsing the great international speaker that have come to Ireland in the last 12 months, such as Christian Weyer, Ingo Rammer, Dino Esposito and Ian Griffiths.
A big thanks to Benjamin for all of the great work with helping out all of the usergroups in Ireland. I know that all of the folks in INDA, IrishDev and NIMTUG very much appreciate his efforts.
So if you are thinking of setting up a .NET usergroup or would like to be a speaker, by all means feel free to contact me or any of the folks in INDA, IrishDev and NIMTUG. The usergroups are a great way to share ideas and thoughts about software development and technology in general. Having 40+ people in a room discussing a topic – sharing ideas and experiences – is one of the best ways of learning about new and current technologies, tools and products.
– Paul