Backbase compare themselves to Atlas

BackBase is an Ajax Framework and they might have seen some pressure regarding Microsoft Atlas, so that's probably why they have decided to write a comparison.

Well the article is well constructed, but even if the author, who works on BackBase, try to be neutral, the results are biased. I think it's maybe unfair to compare the two products, when Atlas is not really released and BackBase is after all an 'expensive' commercial solution.

But I recommend anyway this reading for it's fair good explanation about Ajax architecture.

Atlas architectureBackbase architecture



  • I can't be the only one who downloaded the PDC Hands-on labs and was totally turned off. Declarative atlas is such a pain compared to pure JavaScript. It's like learning a new verbose markup when a perfectly suited language already exists and is fairly well known. I think they are off the mark with this one.

  • Absolutly, I don't want to learn a new XML-Scripting language, too! Do we really want to trust the Microsoft developers? I love tha AJAX .NET library, and I love all the developers that built nice controls on top of it, but I do not want to learn such new special things that are only working on XHTML, .NET 2, ...

    Microsoft, please do not go on with that development, we have already good libs working great. Please build stable web browsers with no memory leaks, that would be more for us!!!!

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