Make it short please ;-)

Please Sara and others from MS, can I suggest that you use the Article features of .Text ?

We lost so much from the main feed !

Thanks for your understanding  ;-)



  • why are you so rude and selfish?

  • I noticed the same thing Paschal. I usually check from work just the main page and KAAAAPOOOOW there was this huge post.

    Just a little bit of help with the english translation though: "Thanks for your understanding" might sound less rude than "thanks for your comprehension."

  • i don't think i am anything you say but i read from the main feed and everything is pushing out too quickly if people forget to use the article. just suggestion anyway no bossy tone here ;-)

  • I prefer med/large informative/useful post than the most common and totally useless small posts.

    Instead of discouraging long post I believe it will be better to discourage the following kind of posts:

    "Ohh look what dbox has just said!!" (who doesn't read dbox already??)

    "MSDN has just released download of X" (I can subscribe to MSDN feed to learn about that)

    "I'm attending the PDC!!! Wahooo" (great, I was dying to know that)

    "Look what X just said" (again, if everybody does this it will be caos...)

    In short, judge posts by content quality and not by size...

    Pedro Isso

  • Sara posted some of the best content this site has seen in days. There are 500 people here. The main feed will go by quickly. GET OVER IT already PLEASE. You do nothing but polarize the people on this site. Seriously if you don't like it go buy and blog there.

  • I dont think the main feed is controlled by the size of the posts, maybe Scott can cofirm this, but I believe it retrieves a number of posts regardless of what the length is.


  • Actually there are always 35 posts in the feed. (Something you could have checked before adding another crap post to the 1073 others (of which about 999 are redundant)) So your post which is pure divisive noise, to a new poster, only serves to push useful and interesting posts off the bottom of the feed.

  • Who uses the main feed anymore? I just split mine into MS and non-MS feeds. As I've said in the past, it takes all of us to make this community a success, and I see nothing wrong with Sara's posts, except that maybe it should have been an article, or at least just post an excerpt to the main page. But I also know that lots of folks are not use to the new .Text options. So Paschal, maybe you should of just copied what I did to you a while back and just send a polite reminder via the contact page. By using the contact page, you also reduce the noise on the feeds.

    DonXML Demsak

  • Hey Robert,

    I'd rather see 10 posts like Sara's or Paschal than one more plug for your little scrolling DataGrid. Pay for your advertising.

  • I'll pay for my advertising when I can afford to.

    I never said I didn't like Paschal's or Sara's posts. In fact, I like them both. Everyone needs to stop bitching about the content in people's blogs, and Paschal needs to quit bitching about his precious main feed.

    A word to both of you: Get an aggregator already and don't read posts you don't want to see. There is a feed for the aggregate page, you know.

    This blog community is a place for people to be heard and say whatever they want. Let them say it without being such a downer, under the guise of a wink and a smile.

  • Robert as usual insults and all the same crap :-(

    Anyway, Scott provide a way to add articles with .Text. He also added a way to not publish directly to the main feed but only on our homepage. If you don't want to use the Article feature, why not writing a post visible on your own feed and a short description for the main feed.

    No I don't use aggregator all the time, I like the easy way to use a browser I can surely find in all my computers (PCs or not).

  • eh?

    'I'll pay for my advertising when I can afford to. '

    Right. And until then stop advertising! If you can't afford it, don't do it!

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