Blogjet works now with .Text
Dmitry Chestnykh
after I asked him for some modifications has finally be able to make Blogjet working with .Text.So now you can use it for your .Text blog and the categories have also been fixed.
BlogJet Release Notes January 19, 2004 FEATURES * "BlogJet This!" button for Internet Explorer. * Importing/exporting to HTML and text files * .Text weblogs support. * Numbering (ordered list style). CHANGES * "Edit Post(s)" menu item changed to "View History". BUG FIXES * Fixed non-English characters issue with Blogger. * Fixed MetaWeblog categories. * "http://" is now added automatically to FTP's Base URL. * "Post" menu item won't appear if blog makes no difference between Post and Post & Publish (LiveJournal). * Fixed categories saving. * Login dialog won't appear-disappear when "Auto login" enabled. * Minor fixes.
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