Another rich text editor

The list of rich text editor start now to be long.

And now you have this commercial product CuteEditor 2.1 (done with .Net).

Some interesting ideas in thisroduct like:

- The table editor and the fact you can see the borders of your table.
- The images gallery is absolutly superb, with a thumbnail view and all the attributes available for an <IMG> tag.
- The idea to have an absolute positioning like the one you have in VS Studio in design mode is interesting but it doesn't work well.
- You can upload and insert a flash movie and the editor will create the right code for you. Quite nice with a preview function.
- The automatic localization using the browser culture info.
- They also find a way to make the editor working in a Datagrid .

That's just a small list of good things, and I think if you look for a commercial package this one is quite good.
The $50 price is ok, not the best they should do, but regarding the features, it's a good bargain.



  • Where's the long list?

    What I really need, and can't find, is a richtext editor written in c# or, complete with sourcecode, well-designed and commented, preferably under an opensource license.

    I've got this nifty idea for a really unusual editor, but to do it right I need to dig into the text storage model and make some changes. A really good framework would be the next best thing, something like Java's Swing or the Cocoa (Mac OS X) text system. Would love to use C# but so far it's looking like I'm stuck learning another platform.

    I had hopes for SharpDevelop's editor, but it's purely a programmer's editor, no wordwrap and monospace. It's a shame, cause the sourcecode is beautiful.

  • Oh yeah, no asp/brower stuff, this would be a winforms app.

  • Dennis, for this editor, you can buy the source code. sure it's not open source, but it could be a start.

  • Please try this text editor

  • tdftgfgfgfgfgfggfgfgf

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