Pivot 2

In regard to my last Pivot blog, Scott Prugh replied:

Yes. It is a shame that TSQL doesn't have crosstab. I'm hoping for support like this in Yukon(plus a lot of over cool TSQL enhancements).

I don't know the specifics about what you are trying to solve but.....

Anyways, if you are doing a lot of sophisticated analysis, you may want to look at OLAP services. You can build a cube that allows you to pivot on dimensions in your data.

My answer is that OLAP services are too much complicated for something simple as Pivot. I hope too that Yukon will integrate some nicer features and break the limitations of SQL server 2000. This last one suppose to be much more powerful than Access !

It seems also that for some functions, Visual foxpro is also better than SQL Server.

So Microsoft, please no more parade with the fastest SQL engine in the world, with a lot of stats on how we can deal with zillions of records in 0.2548 microseconds.
No, just now some simple nice new features.

1 Comment

  • A couple of things:

    1) SPSS has a pretty good pivot tool built into its newest version (11.5). It may be in 11.0 as well. Check with your spss user (casestovars is the command).

    2) There are some pretty good t-sql scripts out there which do pivots; a good one was in sql magazine a few years ago.

    3) The best is SAS's proc transpose. I've found no other etl or database tool which comes close to the plain power of this procedure.

    Best of luck. Pivots have been top of my list for years of relational database work, but I'm still searching...


    wexler at yahoo dot com

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