ViewState Optimizer

Thanks to Colt Kwong for this link to Flesk.Uploader.

By the way have a look to their other tools. One seems to be a good idea to avoid bloated pages with viewstate.

I am talking about their component Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer

Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer is a unique technology that overrides sending ViewState object to your client's browser! This means that your client's browser will no longer receive those large hidden field values, which thus reducing downloading time. Instead, Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer saves the page's Viewstate hidden field to a file, on the server side, speeding up processing time, downloading time and data.

Combining Flesk.ViewStateOptimizer and Flesk.Accelerator, you can benefit from reducing downloading data and downloading time up to 30 times faster! No other components do the same or give the same results!


Have a look also to their other tools. Quite good job. I wondewr also if Microsoft .Net team can think about this to integrate those kind of options for Viewstate in ASP.Net 2.0.




  • I've always wondered about this one, since there is code all over the place (in my articles and elsewhere) about how to put viewstate in session, or anywhere else if you really want to use a database or file (not sure a file is a good idea personally).

  • Yup, the problem I can see with file is the clean up (so you'll have to have some other process running which cleans up file over x hours old...). Interested in how they just do it with web.config though, using a BasePage class it's pretty easy...Paul, do you know of a simple method of using an HttpHandler to act as a facade for ASP.NET page processing to 'inject' alternate methods of doing stuff...(e.g., another method of Viewstate handling)?

  • I took a different path. I created a table in SQL Server to hold the serialized viewstate with a GUID for a key, and a "time of insert" field.

    I dump the GUID to the browser and fetch the real viewstate back from the database. The stored procedures to insert and retrieve do their own housekeeping: they delete anything in that table older than a set time.

    I figure that if someone really wants to leave a page open for a day, then click submit, they didn't need the viewstate. That's a l-o-o-n-g persistence time.

    I didn't have to worry about running out of space in SQL, either. The application has a maximum usage of fifty people at a time. It's a maximum because that's what our VPN software is set for.

  • sorry, i forgot to say this:

    by default, ViewStateOptimizer deletes all viewstate files saved on server that have more than 1 hour.

    We are developing a new version that allows developers to set the time value to delete viewstate files.

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