This is my Sunday rant against some hosting companies.
I don't know what's going on in US, but here in Europe, it's a disaster.
I absolutly needed a hosting company for a small .Net project.
I can't host this project on my own servers.
I was quite happy until now with my actual hosting company for ASP (no name here, that's not the point) but now it's a nightmare to have them running .Net.
Nothing is working as planned, I don't think they really setup their server properly.
I discovered that they just copy the ASP .Net client folder (1.0 and 1.1!!) in the root of the web application, and that's all. That's what they call .Net ready to use :-(
I don't know who's responsible there, the hosting companies or Microsoft.
But I think Microsoft should encourage their partners to embrace .Net, giving them some training on how to deal with this.
MS have to convince not only the developers, but also all the community.
What are you doing with a .Net webapplication if you cna't host it ?
Nothing is the same between ASP and .Net, and they still don't understand the differences.
And I don't talk about an isolated case, I heard already a lot of cases where developers have to abandoned .Net and go back to ASP for their projects if they don't host their site.
I am sure I can find a lot of good hosting companies in US, but I need to keep this project close to Europe.