IIS 6.0 Resource Kit

The following tools are available in this package:
  • IIS 6.0 Migration Tool Version 1.0
  • Apache to IIS 6.0 Migration Tool Version 1.0
  • CustomAuth Version 1.0
  • IISCertDeploy.vbs Version 1.0
  • IIS Host Helper Service Version 1.0
  • IISState Version 3.0
  • Log Parser Version 2.1
  • Metabase Explorer Version 1.6
  • Permissions Verifier Version 1.0
  • RemapUrl Version 1.0
  • SelfSSL Version 1.0
  • TinyGet Version 5.2
  • Web Capacity Analysis Tool Version 5.2
  • WFetch Version 1.3

See for yourself here


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