Irish user group
In Ireland, where we suppose to be at the edge for technology, it's a pity that we can't have a right .Net user group.
I am jealous about what's happen in US, where apparently you can find one user group meeting at every corner of the country.
I already talked about that few months ago, but I still search for something equivalent to INETA here in Dublin.
You can find a lot about Java, Linux or even ColdFusion, but the only thing we have here for .Net is Irish Dev group. And sorry for saying this but they sucks.
They are managed by some PR people who have more consciousness about the image of their client MSFT indeed.
I have nothing against that, but IMHO it's not the right approach to build a community.
Julie , I know that you are the INETA specialist in this weblog, is something can be done here ?
UPDATE: Scott comment is interesting
The short answer is if you really want a .NET user group...start one. "If you build it...they will come". My INETA experience has been if you want it to happen they will help you make it happen...but it is up to you to get it started.
Scott you're right but I am not good at organisation. But if it's the only solution, maybe I should give a try. We'll see