How to start with N-tier architecture

If you are a newbie with N-Tier achitecture, .Net and visual Studio, it's quite a challenge to find a good example on the subject.

You should try NTierGen. The tool is a bit expensive, but you have eventually a trial version, just limited to three tables.

The idea to generate the full N-Tier architecture fromĀ a wizard is good, including the fact that you can modify the code produced.

This is a really amazing tool, and you should be able to see the sources and look at the way you can build an N-Tier architecture. Of course, I suggest to buy it ;-)


  • Frans that's great comment, but I remember when I started few years ago to work on the concept, I wish I would have something to built the basics for me.

    Yes of course, when I say newbie, I should probably say midrange developer.

    But surely the code produced by NTierGen is quite complex, but the structure seem to be good IMHO

  • In the newsgroups there are a lot of questions about 'what is n-tier' and 'how do I set it up?'. It's indeed confusing at first, since it seems that it's a very well defined technology with easy steps to follow and in the end you're done, however it's very fuzzy. :) What also doesn't help is the fact that with .NET MS has abandoned the 'n-tier' / windows DNA concepts a bit it seems, not a lot of material addresses n-tier development, perhaps that'll change (or I haven't looked good enough ;)).

    My comment on the nTiergen code was more towards that it seems very 'hacked together' (at least to me). I've betatested it, and it fell apart a lot, however some ideas were good.

  • Yes Frans I agree, but VS.Net seems to keep this idea when you look at the way you manage many assemblies in one source project

  • sir,

    i am doing my final year(cSe).we are doing the project of n-tier architecture. we are using oracle server as the main server with n=4. the middle layer contains two servers 1) administration server:which authenticates the users and check whether they have permissions to read,write,execute the database. 2)application server : estatiblishes connection to the oracle server.

    can you suggest any extensions to our project.

    Thanking you sir,



  • sir,

    i am doing my final year(cSe).we are doing the project of n-tier architecture. we are using oracle server as the main server with n=4. the middle layer contains two servers 1) administration server:which authenticates the users and check whether they have permissions to read,write,execute the database. 2)application server : estatiblishes connection to the oracle server.

    can you suggest any extensions to our project.

    Thanking you sir,



  • Frans, you have really described about n-tier

    in summarised way, good work...

  • I would like to start ntier system with ASP.

    Can i start with this technology.


    Naresh Kumar

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