FreeTextBox 2 or HTMLArea ? ask the question. I know well FreeTextBox  you can so I checked HTMLArea and yes it has some good point over the first one.

First it's open to different languages, so not only .Net but PHP for example. It's also full compliant with XHTML.

I discover also something cool, the fact that you can use plugins to improve the tool. One of them (see the demo here) is really something I missed in FreeTextBox (and others).
It's call Full Body and let you edit your HTML code with the Body tag, not without like others.

Amazing and you can also link to external stylesheets so then you really see your code as it's going to be publish.



  • I've been using HTMLArea in an ASP project and been very happy with it. The 3.0 release is a big upgrade.

  • I found HTMLArea harder to use and buggy (I had to make personal hacks to the code to get some stuff to work).

    However, the modules are excellent (spellcheck is a godsend) and the almost-XHTML-compliant code is great. I have the code working with a Python script and an ASP.Net app.

  • I've been using HTMLArea for awhile now. It's some pretty good code. It's very customizable. And on their forum, I found somebody who created a .NET usercontrol for it. It's not quite a pure server-side solution but, it makes it a bit easier to work with. Now, if I could find time to write a .NET spellchecker for it...

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