

Two weeks ago, I mentioned in a blog that the hard drive on my Dell laptop crashed very badly.

After sending the disk to Ontrack, waiting 10 days to see the results, I can say hat off to this company !

Not only they recovered 90% of the data, and the most essential projects, but rather than saving them on a DVD or CD, they send me a Seagate 40 Gbytes ;-))

OK I paid the price, but one year projects are priceless.

BTW, another similar laptop in my company crash yesterday with the same symptoms.



  • Ever hear of backups?

  • Guys you're right but this happened to everybody and the laptop was only 2 months old.

    And the weird it crashed when I was doing a backup.

    At the end I lost **only** two weeks

  • My Dell Inspiron Laptop crashed the other day, didn't boot up, and when it finally did it just showes some crazy lines on the LCD. Tried changing the memory and all that, but nothing worked. had to take the HD out and mount it on a desktop machine and copy all the data of it.

    But the laptop just sits on my desk, dead :(

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