Writing Technical manuals
I get some good info for developer-centric documentation on Developer Shed.
I also enjoyed some of the other articles like Writing a User Manual and The Art of Software Development.
Seeing writing articles on a developer site gives me hope that others beyond ourselves view documentation as (at least) somewhat important to the overall effectiveness of the product.
Writing a Software Technical Reference Manual (part 1)
For most developers, writing code is the easy part - it's explaining it to a customer that's the tough bit. In case you need to create a technical manual explaining how your software works, take a look at our handy two-part cheat sheet, which should help make the process a little less intimidating.
Writing A Software Technical Reference Manual (part 2)
With the groundwork out of the way, this concluding part examines the standard components of a technical reference manual, explaining what goes into each section and why. It also discusses the process by which such a manual should be reviewed and vetted prior to delivery to a customer.