Spyware grrr
OK after spending a good part of my Sunday evening on chasing spyware on my PC, I think I finally won the battle.
Apparently one serious spyware is totalvelocity.memorymeter.
This tool pretend to install a memory check in your systray, but indeed open a huge door to all abuse.
I could sometime suddenly have until 15 popups windows coming from nowhere.
Of course I never downloaded this crap, and I want also to reply to some comments about my previous rant about FeedDemon.
I think some people misread me by saying that I don't like Feeddemon.
That's not true, the problem is not the software, the issue I have is about the feeds this tool provide by default.
Totalvelocity and may other spyware can move on the net by any kind of http stream, and if I am right, FeedDemon use a browser layer to show some feeds.
Another comment I received was about not working in Admin mode.
Yes maybe but I don't get the point, a spyware can have apparently access to anything, and it's really not good.
Finally I really invite everybody to check their machines with some antispyware, and it's really amazing th results you can find, usually an average of 50 bots is not uncommon.
So my question is still valid: What Microsoft will do to secure the registry ?