The whole Zune story started with a bunch of Lego bricks :-)

It's always fascinating to see how an engineer team can start a whole new product range. I like to know more about the iPod infancy, but you can already see by yourself that a box Lego bricks are now part of the Zune project history. I wonder if the Xbox has started like this too? Something unfortunately we can't do with software!

Wouldn't be cool to build the future framework different components by starting with a bunch of bricks?









Check for more inside stuff on David Caulton blog (he's part of the Zune team)

This now the first Zune meeting room (or Microsoft don't have any money for furniture and like their Ikea style)










1 Comment

  • > [...] but you can already see by yourself that
    > a box Lego bricks are now part of the Zune
    > project history. I wonder if the Xbox has
    > started like this too? Something unfortunately
    > we can't do with software!

    We actually we can do this with software, the equivalent it's commonly known as paper napkins or white-boards. I say this half kidding and half seriously. A lot of software ideas are started like this and they eventually turn into prototypes and eventually products.

    You can do these models using just circles and squares or get fancy with UML diagrams but the idea is the same: model it, hide the details so that you can get the idea accross.

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