Building Multi-Tier Web Application in .NET 3.5 Framework Using LINQ to SQL

In the new version (.NET framework 3.5), Microsoft have provided a way to define the queries in the programming language (C# 3.0, VB.NET 9.0) using LINQ which is called Language-Integrated query. It's basically a programming concept to query the data against the following :

  • database (LINQ to SQL),
  • dataset (LINQ to Dataset),
  • xml (LINQ to XML) and
  • objects (LINK to Entities).

In this article John Prabhu will show you an approach on how to build multi-tier web application in ASP.NET 3.0 Using LINQ to SQL. In the present programming world, creating N-Tier application has become a common practice. and .NET framework is more flexible in providing a greater support to do the same. In general N-Tier applications have the following layers or tiers : 1. Presentation 2. Business Logic 3. Data Access and 4. Database Layer. Each of these layers serves a dinstinct task. The architecture explained in this article is similar to the classic N-Tier but will replace the Database layer with a new layer called DataLinq Layer that Uses LINQ to SQL to perform the database operation.




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