
Archives / 2010 / February
  • Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript – Creating Observers

    Looking back to the previous post, we covered how we create observable sequences, the producers of our data.  We have quite a number of ways of creating these outside of events which we covered earlier.  Now that we have these observable sequences, now what?  We need to address the consumer side of this producer/consumer story in the form of an observer.

  • Introduction to the Reactive Extensions to JavaScript

    Readers of my blog probably know that I’m a bit into functional programming languages (F#, Erlang, Clojure, Haskell, etc) among other topics, but what you may not know is that I’m a huge JavaScript fan as well.  Since I began in the industry (professionally anyways), I’ve been using JavaScript to knock out some pretty interesting solutions.  Over the years, many people have tried to abstract over the language, taking such approaches as taking a statically typed language and compiling it to JavaScript, but when it comes down to it, I prefer dealing with the natural language of the web, which is HTML, CSS and native JavaScript.

  • [ANN] DC ALT.NET: 2/24 - Getting the Right System with George Dinwiddie

    The next DC ALT.NET meeting is taking place on 2/24/2010 from 7-9PM.  Stay tuned to the mailing list for more information as it becomes available.  In this meeting, once again we have George Dinwiddie, to give a talk on talk in the language of the business and what tools along the way can help us.  Below is a description of the event.  We hope to see you there!

  • The F# PowerPack Released on CodePlex

    As announced yesterday, the new February 2010 release of F# is out.  For those using Visual Studio 2008 and Mono, you can pick up the download here.  This release is much more of a stabilization release instead of adding a lot of features including improvements in tooling, the project system and so on.

  • Upcoming Release of F# 2.0

    As you may have noticed with the recent release of the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate, that we are getting closer and closer to the first official release of the F# language.  Shortly, there will be the standard zip/MSI file provided to those who are still running Visual Studio 2008 as well as Mono that I will post a link to when it becomes available.  Dr. Brian McNamara of the F# team has a few goodies in his post here about the release here.  Just as he asks for help with old blog posts that contain code that no longer works due to the language changes, I’ll ask the same of you all as well.  If there are blog posts of mine out there that are seriously out of date, please do let me know. 

  • F# and the Dynamic Lookup Operator ala C#

    In the previous post, we covered various scenarios around how we’d make the syntax around using the MongoDB C# Driver a little nicer and less stringy.  And before that we looked at using and abusing these so called dynamic lookup operators.  In the F# language, we have the ability to define two “dynamic” operators, a get member operator denoted by the ( ? ), and the set member operator denoted by the ( ?<- ).  The F# language and its associated libraries do not have an actual implementation of these operators, but instead allow you to implement them as you see fit.  Previously, we tried two approaches…

  • Exploring MongoDB with F#

    If you’ve been following me on Twitter, I’ve been digging a bit into MongoDB.  When I was involved with the planning of NoSQLEast this past year, I sat down and used it in anger and was quite pleased with the results.  Using it with a language which allows for quick prototyping such as F# has afforded me to get up and going on a project with very little effort.  At some point, I don’t want to be bothered with having to go into another tool, create a schema, decide what data types, run migrations and all the fun things that come along with traditional RDBMS solutions. I just want a quick answer with the data I have.  There was one issue of course that nagged me which was the ubiquitous use of strings for everything from databases, collections, and keys.  With a language such as F#, could we do any better than this approach?

  • Using and Abusing the F# Dynamic Lookup Operator

    Lately, I’ve been playing with such things as MongoDB using F# to rapidly prototype ideas.  With that, I’ve tried to rid myself of magic strings by using the F# dynamic lookup operator.  I’ll cover exactly what I’m doing in the next post when using MongoDB, but in this post I’d like to explore a little of what you could do with a little noticed dynamic lookup operator in F#.