C# vNext Revisited
What I like
I enjoyed Jeremy Miller's post about what he likes about C# 3.0. I'd definitely have to concur with a lot of those things such as his and some of my own:
- Object Initializers
- Lambda Expressions
- Extension Methods
- Anonymous types
So, what am I eh about? Well, automatic properties is one of them. Not doing much for me just yet, especially for my domain models. Also partial methods have a particular use, but once again, it looks like a large potential for abuse. Bart De Smet has a pretty good writeup on them though worth checking out here. If you check out Wes Dyer's blog, he also has a good example and why you would use them. To me, it looks like Aspect Oriented Programming in a way, but I much prefer using Windsor interception, and hopefully soon the StructureMap interception.
Do We Know Any More?
Charlie Calvert, C# Community Liason, and Mads Torgersen, C# Program Manager, wrote a post recently about the future focus of C#. The first topic in this series is about dynamic lookup. What dynamic lookup is, is the ability to distinguish a type at runtime instead of static compile time.
But why is this useful? Well, in order to interact with dynamic runtimes, this is the best way to do it. The idea of using this for COM interop is also pretty interesting. I've done more than my fair share in this lifetime. Many of the things you see on PInovke.NET are ones that I either put up there or refined quite a bit, especially while using unsafe C#.
With this upcoming, could Duck Typing be far behind? After all, it has been proposed at least for VB9, although dropped. Of course in .NET, it's already supported on the foreach keyword as noted by Krzysztof Cwalina due to the fact you don't need to implement IEnumerable, and only need GetEnumerator(). But, will it go any further than that like Ruby?