MSDN installs

Is there a way to install the MSDN library on a network share?  If I've got 16 people in a class, having that 1gb of data on each machines seems silly.  I would think that they could just put the index on each machine locally like the VS6 MSDN, and then retrieve the content remotely.  Am I just overlooking an option here?


  • Yes - just copy all the CDs to the network share and install from there. Whenever a topic comes up that the viewer cannot find, just change the URL to the share location. I think this is explained in the readme.

  • Thanks guys, I'll give those a shot next time I do the install. I've been just using what comes with VS.NET for my classes, which I haven't seen any "leave on server" type option. I'll play around with this later...

  • The solutions provided here are install POINT but not install DESTINATION.

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