Don't Make me Think

One of my favorite books on usability is Don't Make Me Think by Steven Krug.  One of my favorite examples he presented in the book was the old “Quick Search” button.  It left you wondering, even just briefly, if there was a more in depth search option that might take longer, but return better results.

Anyways, I saw a great real life example of poor “usability” at the mall near my apartment.  You see, the way they designed the entrance to this mall from the main drag is a short little entrance that puts you on basically a loop around the mall.  You are talking about 40-60 cars coming through this entrance on a green light, so clearly that entrance should have the right away onto that loop, and that's the way it is designed.  The problem is that people for some reason assume there is a stop sign, even though the back of their car is almost on a 6 lane road, along with the 5 or 6 cars behind them. 

The solution for christmas?  They put up a sign.  The opposite of a stop sign so to speak.  The problem?  The sign was red letters reading “Incoming traffic does not stop.”  Now, I drive through this entrance once a day, and have for the past year.  I almost came to a complete stop trying to read the sign, and then paused to think if I was the incoming traffic they were referring to.  Needless to say, this sign caused chaos to people not from this area christmas shopping.  People were stopping and even waving cars that normally have to wait for the stream of traffic off the main drag to go ahead. 

This sign was up for 4 days.  It has since been replaced by a sign reading “Don't Stop.”


  • Excellent book, my company recently bought a few copies and gave them to clients - really is a very accessible, sensible book. Just finished reading About FACE 2.0 by Alan Cooper - kind of the next step after this book, also excellent and very thought provoking...

  • My favorite usability error is at the office of my current client, they have glass doors with handles on both side of the doors... but of course you can only pull the doors from the outside and push them from the inside. Everyday I watch people try to pull the big ass handle, which is begging to be pulled, only to look like an idiot when nothing happens.


  • Nice one in stop our pc, you click 'start' :-) Think Raymond Chen covered the reason for this...

  • Whatever happened to "Keep Moving"

  • You MUST be talking about King of Prussia? :)

  • "Don't Stop" on a green sign would be best I would think. "Go" would just confuse the lemmings. I am reading About Face 2.0 right now, seems interesting so far, but it is a pretty long book. Much longer than I expected.

    Did anyone ever see that Far side comic with the kid entering a building with a sign that said "Midvale School for the Gifted"? He is leaning on the door as hard as he can, but there is a sign on it that says "Pull". That might be my personal favorite farside ever.

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