Going into Rory and Stickfigure Withdrawl...

Hmmm, Rory and his ghetto hosting provider seem to have gotten all choked up.  Why Rory didn't think to check for the “minimum query memory is not available“ exception is beyond me (I mean, come on).  I'm actually hosted by the same people as Rory at my site, and I'm not having any problems at all.  Interesting.

Anyways, if this is a long term outage, I've been practicing drawing stick figures and pasting pictures of Steve Wozniak's head on them in Paint.  I also have a whole bunch of cough syrup, Jäger and Red Bull so I can also go Rory-style insane.  But I'd really hate to have to break into the cough syrup, Jäger and Red Bull because those are only to be used in very serious emergencies.

Edit:  Hey, by the time I typed all this crap in, the thing started working.  Opps.

1 Comment

  • "I've been practicing drawing stick figures and pasting pictures of Steve Wozniak's head on them in Paint"


    *I* actually prefer to use Alias SketchBook Pro.

    I only use Paint for the gruntwork.

    [grumbling] amateur stick figure artists...

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