Infopath for the Web?

Does anybody have a recommendation for a tool like InfoPath, but for the web?  ASP.NET, ASP.OLD, PHP, Perl, whatever.  We get a lot of questions like this: "We need to create a survey on our website that would put data into our blah blah blah database.  What class should I take?"  And the answer is never easy.  We are talking like power users of Excel or Frontpage.  But even still, in my head I know I could knock that out in probably three hours in ASP.NET.  But it would take someone at least 6 months of hard work to get to even a beginning understanding of ASP.NET, ADO.NET and C#/VB.NET. 

Some company is going to make a killer app that does this, be rolling in the cash and have a lot of contractors really pissed off.


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