
Archives / 2003 / May
  • Web Matrix and Theming

    In case you missed it, Nikhil has posted a screenshot of the new Web Matrix.  Looks pretty cool, but I'm wondering about the theming comment.  Now, is web matrix simply taking advantage of the built in windows theme, or are they doing something magical to give their app a new theme. 

  • vLane and MSDN

    I was also curious about I get a lot of students in my classes where purchasing VS.NET along with all the server software just gets to be astronomical cost wise for them, so I've been pointing them to vLane. 

  • Ramblings

    I installed ASP.NET on our production server to get our website running against 1.1.  No problems with the main app, the problem is with *my* weird site that I had setup to play with in class to demonstrate XSS attacks.  I went to show how easy it is to send things like session data and the such, and the stupid ValidateRequest blocked my attempt.  Argh :)

  • Software Legends

    I've been reading a little of the TechEd propaganda about the "Software Legends" that will be giving presentations this afternoon.  That combined with the hours spent playing NBA Street Vol.2 recently has got my mind acting silly.  You see, in NBA Street you unlock "Street Legends" as you progress through the games, along with throwback jerseys.  So now I'm wondering if they'll be giving out throwback geek shirts at the contest.  You know, like MS Bob or Win95 t-shirts.  Heck, maybe even go old school and get a MS-DOS mesh hat.  Heck, I already have a G. Andrew Duthie playing card, so I guess anything is possible. 

  • C#ase Sensitive

    I've been doing a lot of training for companies moving to VB.Net and one of the big reasons that keeps coming up in why they aren't moving to C# is the case sensitivity of C#.  And the only answer I have to why C# is case sensitive is that C/C++ and Java are case sensitive, and C# is designed to be a language comfortable to those developers.
    But then the question is: Who in their right mind would ever leverage the ability to have a function named SquareRoot and another one named squareRoot in the same namespace?  Imagine a dialog between two developers, Steve and I'm Too Damn Smart for My Own Good