SpamBayes Follow-up
Not 5 seconds after posting about my experience with SpamBayes, SharpReader finishes updating and shows me that Steve Smith likes it too. But the titles of both of our posts bear a striking resemblance -- I promise: It's pure conincedence!
SpamBayes Rocks!
Based on positive comments from someone else (can't find the link right now), I downloaded and installed SpamBayes for Outlook. Two words: It rocks! It's easy to install and get running. One thing to note if you're considering using this for SPAM: It needs to be trained on what is SPAM and what isn't. If you think you *might* try SpamBayes some day, then save your SPAM in a folder. When (if) you ever do try SpamBayes, you can point it to that folder and it will help the training process go much quicker.
DVD Burner
I've been researching DVD RW drives for quite a while now. Waiting for the price to hit the right spot. A number of $130 - $150 range brands have been showing up in the weekend ads (CompUSA, BestBuy, OfficeDepot, etc...) I had been eyeing the I/O Magic for a while. I had found a few positive reviews on the drive across the Internet and Circuit City had them on sale this week for $139.
We've all read about this. Maybe even it's happened to you. The hard drive crash. I got my first 10MB hard-drive back in the "old" days (1990?) and hooked it up to my Atari ST. In the past 13 years I've only had one hard drive go bad, and that was simply an over-heating problem. Maxtor promptly sent me a new drive out and I've been good ever since. Until this past weekend...
No COM+ Statistics?
For an exercise, I whipped up a simple little object that would be poolable in COM+
GANG Meeting Tonight
GANG (Great Lakes Dot Net Users Group) is having their monthly meeting tonight. Richard Hale Shaw of The Richard Hale Shaw Group will be presenting "Utilizing Code Access Security". Should be a good one! The meeting starts at 6:30pm at Microsoft's Southfield, MI office.
Perfect Software
Julia is looking for perfection in her designs. Designing the "perfect" system is difficult. But when you design software for the space shuttle, you need to get as close to perfect as possible:
Be careful of your conditionals!
Doug Reilly posts about C#'s conditional operator in response to Rachel's post on VB.NET's IIf() statement.
The Bitmap class is NOT a paint program
I needed to convert a bitmap to an icon. After discovering Paint Shop Pro didn't support this (seemed odd to me), I thought I'd just quickly write up a three line .NET app to convert a bitmap to an icon.
A "Don't Miss!" Blog
Zane Thomas from Abderaware has started a blog. As Zane comments: "I am all about challenging assumptions". This blog should be interesting.
A 21st century solution...
Some programmer humor for this morning:
Initializing non-serialized fields
Matthew Reynolds has a nice tip on how to cleanly handle initialization of non-serialized fields during the de-serialization process.
Lego Mindstorms + .NET
From CLaueR's Blog:
The existential mouse
Raymond Chen answers the question: If a mouse moves and nobody receives the message, did it really move?