Case-sensitive websites
I've never understood why you would want a case-sensitive webserver. ScotG's blog recently mentioned his purchase of an iSight. Since I don't follow Apple hardware (nor Apple in general) I clicked on his link to the iSight, I got to an Apple page about it being an invalid link. So I went to Apple's product pages and saw a link to the iSight. I clicked on the linked and when it popped up in my browser, the URL looked like the same one ScotG had in his blog. I went back and double-checked his blog entry: iSight vs. isight.
On Code Generators.
AngryCoder: "...the myth of the code generator."
Unit Testing with JUnit
No -- that's not a typo: "JUnit" (not NUnit). At my current job (which is usually VB6/SQL/Oracle development) I've had to do some Java coding. For someone familiar with .NET, it's not too bad.
Sam, COM+ and .NET
Sam Gentile: This just rocks! COM+, like all other things in .NET, is just so much easier to write.
More on multiple attributes
Mattew Reynolds adds another tidbit on Attributes:
Applying an attribute multiple times
I had designed a custom attribute for fields and wanted to be able to apply it multiple times. For example:
Martin Fowler on Typed Collections
From Martin Fowler:
Windows Forms Controls chat
Just saw this post in the Microsoft supports newsgroups:
VB6 in .NET?
Let go of my assembly!
As noted earlier, I'm using FxCop for the first time today. So I've got FxCop up with it's results, I'm doing ALT-TAB back and forth to clean up some of the easier things. Now I want to re-build and re-analyze but FxCop has my assembly locked. No biggie, I'll start up a new FxCop project and re-build. Still locked. I had to shut down FxCop before I could rebuild.
VB.NET and FxCop 1.21
I played around with FxCop for the first time today -- very cool app! One thing that is very annoying for VB.NET developers: If you turn on automatic "code reformatting" in VS.NET, the "Set" clause of a Property statement is generated as:
Welcome Eric Gunnerson
Sam Gentile sends word that C# Program Manager Eric Gunnerson is now blogging! This should be a great source of information for .NET developers.
VB.NET vs. C#
No -- I'm not starting another language war. I was converting some C# code to VB.NET today. After getting everything converted, I had to change the name of the class (nothing to do with the conversion). I changed it and then thought "shoot -- now I need to change all of the constuctors" (it has three overloaded constructors). Then I remembered I'm in VB.NET and all of the constructors are named "New" -- no changes required.
GANG Meeting tonight
The Great Lakes Area .NET User Group (G.A.N.G) is having their monthly meeting tonight.
Posting with w.bloggar!
Got w.bloggar set up. Thanks go to Steve Smith for his recent post on w.bloggar setup. The real nice thing with w.bloggar is the preview window. Since it allows a lot of customization, I've got (pretty much) a 100% WYSIWYG preview of my postings.
VB.NET documentation bug with 'Throw'
I've notified Microsoft of a small bug in the VB.NET documentation. For the 'Throw Statement', the documentation says the expression part of the statement is required:
Oracle and ADO.NET
Sam has posted a great list of resources on ADO.NET with Oracle.
A little off topic...
Apologies for the slightly off-topic post. I haven't been posting much because I've been home helping my wife out with our newborn! She's a beauty and her older sisters adore her.
Passing Delegates to Unmanaged Code
Adam Nathan writes about the issues with passing delegates to unmanaged code. Namely: it can get garbage collected right out from under the unmanaged code: