Ignoring Errors? Not if they're an Exception!
Brad Abram points out a number of reasons why Exceptions are better than error codes. One that I liked in particular:
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Top Blogger.
I've enjoyed every single one of Raymond Chen's posts. His blog is one of the most informative and interesting -- and they make great history lessons! Kudos to Raymond!
What a coincedence!
Just last night, I made a post about my journey into full-time C# use. This morning, I see Eric Gunnerson has mentioned a new magazine called "C# Pro Magazine". I headed over there to check it out and what do I see -- an article titled "5 C# Tips for VB Developers".
Sharpening my skills.
I've been a VB programmer for a long time. Therefore, I took to VB.NET pretty easily. I can pound out code pretty quickly in VB.NET, and I'm familiar enough with C# syntax that I can read C# code fluently. But the past year at my current job has involved a little bit of Java coding. Curly braces and semi-colons don't scare me, although I'm not a big fan of case-sensitivity. I've done a little bit of C# coding here and there, but I mainly use VB.NET.
I hate to repeat myself, but...
Keeping your Enums and Lookup tables in sync
Steve Smith has developed a unit test to make sure your .NET enums (used during coding) match up wth their corresponding lookup tables (used for RI checking). Nice safety net.
Converting GMT dates
I have a DB2 database giving me a date in GMT format and I need to convert it to my local timezone. The .NET TimeZone class makes this sooooo easy:
Microsoft will *NOT* send you a critical update.
Most of you reading this post already know this, but Microsoft will not send you a personal email with a critical update. I've been flooded with about 20 of these today. They are very authentic looking -- they resemble the Microsoft home page, same layout, fonts, trademark and copyright notices, the works. But the attachment is just another virus/worm.
GANG Meeting
Had a great GANG meeting tonight. Bob Crosley from Wise Solutions discussed "Deployment nightmares: How poor software deployments destroy schedules, projects and your customer's computer". He also demo'd Wise for Visual Studio.NET and it looked slick! It integrates directly into the IDE as a new project type and has a ton of nice point-and-click options. It also supports some complex stuff like database installs, virtual directory creation, GAC install and even nGen on the client. Nice.
Have you even done unit testing?
Roy challenges you to ask the developer next to you: Have you ever done unit testing?
The next VB.NET
David McNamee has a great preview of some of the changes coming in the Whibey version of VB.NET. It's great to see some of these things now being demo'd to the public. I've seen many of the things he posted about previously, but was under NDA and couldn't discuss. Since it's now been shown publically, I'd like to add a quick comment to one of David's observations on aligning controls:
From a DOTNET-CLR post: An interesting feature of MSIL that is not currently exposed in any of the languages -- "method overload based on return type only." Very interesting!
A new security bulletin!
This just in: Buffer Overrun In RPCSS Service Could Allow Code Execution
Coding Styles when Dim'ing an object
From a newsgroup post: What's the difference between these three declarations:
Have you measured it?
A neat tidbit on enums from Brad Abrams.
Only two postings in August? Ugh... I've been so busy with work (non-.NET stuff...) and home stuff. Haven't done any .NET stuff in a few weeks. I am jonesing to do some .NET stuff. Need to find more time in the day...