
Archives / 2004 / April
  • One Week with RSSBandit

    Last Monday I fired up SharpReader for the first time in close to five days. I was out of town the previous week and didn't have Internet access during the day. At night, I was either too tired or too busy to keep caught up on my feeds. During the lengthy update process, SharpReader locked up on me. I had to kill it with Task Manager. I started it up again and after a few minutes of updating, it was again locked up. I did this about two more times and it finally managed to complete the update process. I really don't know what was killing it -- the sheer volume of information to download? Perhaps. I was irked enough to download, install and try RSSBandit.

  • .NET Developer Jump Start

    A colleague just forwarded me an email he received about some free, online training sessions provided by Microsoft. They're supposed to be "a great way to get a sense of what .NET offers without making a commitment". Anyone reading this is probably well-versed in .NET, but others you know may be interested in this.

  • SharpReader & Threads

    Anyone else have any instances where SharpReader's worker threads hang? Right now (and this happens at least once or twice a day) SharpReader is showing me "15+190" in the status bar (15 feeds busy updating with 190 still to go). And it's just sitting there. No updates are coming in. I've dropped the default number of threads to use down from 25 to try and correct the problem. I usually have to close SharpReader and re-open it and that fixes it

  • Unit Testing and the GAC

    Note to self: If you make changes to an assembly that is in the GAC, make sure you uninstall it from the GAC before running your unit tests. I was doing some refactoring and changed the signatures of a couple of methods. Recompiled and ran my nUnit unit tests and was getting a very odd "System.MissingMethodException". I was baffled until I recalled that the old version of this assembly was still in the GAC so that's what my unit tests were running.