Paul Vick's DNS Problems
Paul Vick left a comment to my original post explaining that he's having DNS problems and they should be cleared up in the next few days.
Paul Vick's blog: MIA?
Anyone else notice that Paul Vick's blog is gone? It appears the domain name has been scooped up by someone else (it redirects to -- but whois still shows Paul as the owner). Hopefully he'll start up again at
My 15Seconds Article
I recently wrote an article for and it has been published today. Check out "COM Interop Exposed" and let me know your opinions. I plan on doing a follow-up article on exposing .NET events to COM clients (i.e. COM's Connection Point Protocol -- IConnectionPoint, IConnectionPointContainer, etc...).
Interfaces "Flattened" during COM Export
While researching a question someone asked, I discovered that TLBEXP will "flatten" out your .NET interface hierarchy.