Setting value types to Nothing?
Why in the world does VB.NET let you assign 'Nothing' to a value type? It's not that big of a deal unless you've got a structure. Consider this simple structure:
What about NumLock?
One of the nice things about the XP logon is that when you're in the password field, a balloon tip will pop up if your CAPS LOCK key is on to remind you that you may not be typing what you think you're typing. However, since most laptops don't have a separate numeric keypad, the NumLock key can be just as frustrating. When will we get a balloon tip for that?
Time to move on.
It's time to move on to new opportunities. My current employer has accepted my two week notice. I've got a little bit of coding and documentation to finish up. This will probably be the last bit of VB6 coding I do for the foreseeable future. It's been a fun 4 1/2 years and I've worked with a great bunch of people -- including one of the best architects I've had the pleasure to work with.
The value of unit testing.
Last week, Raymond Lewallen posted a refactoring pattern quiz. A lot people view refactoring as a "bad thing" since you're taking existing, debugged (sometimes in-production) code and changing it. While there is definitely the riesk of introducing regression bugs, Raymond addressed an important point in deflecting some of that risk: