Do not use timers that prevent power state changes
Ran into an interesting FXCop rule today: Do not use timers that prevent power state changes. According to the rule description:
Reflector 5.0 is out.
Just saw this on Jason Bock's blog. Lutz Roeder has released version 5.0 of Reflector. And getting it is so easy: Just launch your current version of Reflector (I assume you already have it!), go to the Help menu and select "Check for Updates". It will download, install and re-start!
Feeling queasy about lambdas?
If the new C# 3.0 "=> operator makes you feel uneasy, check out Dustin Campbell's post where he gently introduces you to lambdas by taking a simple C# 2.0 algorithm using anonymous methods and converts it to lambdas in C# 3.0.
Using the StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute
In a recent thread on the .NET newsgroups, someone asked how they could create a "utility" assembly, but they only wanted their applications to be able to use the assembly. I couldn't think of a good way, but Dave Sexton replied with an interesting little gem on the StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute. After reading his response I made myself a little "to do" item to implement his idea and post some sample code.
Day of .NET in Ann Arbor, MI - 2007
This year's Day or .NET is scheduled for Saturday, April 28th 2007 at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This all day event is organized by developers for developers. The event is FREE ($0, no cost!) to all of those interested in .NET development!
A Generics Command Pattern Implementation
At this weeks GANG meeting, Martin Shoemaker will be presenting "Do, Undo, Redo, Do Over: A Generics Command Pattern Implementation". He's going to use generics to build simple yet powerful implementation of the Command Pattern. You won't want to miss this if you're in the area.
COM Interop does NOT like uninitialized arrays!
I've created a simple reproduction case highlighting a problem I recently had with COM interop. I've got a VB6 app using a .NET 2.0 component exposed to COM. The component in this sample is pretty simple:
Using Generics To See If A List Is Ordered.
I had some pretty simple code that checked if an array of integers was in ascending order. I needed to check a second list to see if it was also in ascending order. The only problem was that is was an array of doubles. The logic is identical for both lists. The only difference is the type of data acted on. This is where generics shine!
Would Zune 2.0 pack a phone?
From CNET News:
Close your web connections too!
In an earlier post, I had talked about a Windows service I was working on. This service periodically performs an HTTP GET request to check if a device that accepts incoming HTTP requests is still working. It was pretty simple to perform the GET with .NET -- something I'm sure many of you have done hundreds of times before.