Extension Method Guidelines
I'm spending some time this morning getting caught up on RSS reading. A great post from last week from Brad Abrams on when you should use extension methods – i.e. when they are a good choice. As Brad Abrams points out: "While this a very powerful new feature, it does come with some new responsibility."
CodeMash 2009
I know it's been over a week since it ended, but I'm finally taking time to get my review up.
MonoRail Integrations
Andy Pike has recently done some really cool MonoRail integrations:
CodeMash: Ruby 101
At today's CodeMash Precompiler I decided to check out "Ruby 101" with Jim Weirich and Joe O'Brien. I've caught a few glimpses of Ruby code over the years but have never sat down to actually do anything with it. Since CodeMash is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and learning new things, I thought this would be a good session to attend.
Come see "Paint Wars" at CodeMash!
Fellow SRT employee Chris Marinos will be showing off his wii-mote controlled "Paint Wars" game built on the XNA framework at our booth at CodeMash this week.
Thank You Microsoft (2009)!
One year ago today I thanked Microsoft for recognizing my contributions to the community by awarding me the MVP award.