Day of .NET is HOT!
This Saturday's Day of .NET is quite the hot item. In fact, it's so hot, we've hit our maximum of 250 attendees (we have to place a cap somewhere since we're providing a free lunch and a t-shirt). We currently are not accepting any new registrations, which is kind of a bummer. So I need your help.
If you've registered for Day of .NET and can't make it, please cancel your registration (via the confirmation email sent or on the website) so someone else can get in.
We're not going to turn anyone away if they show up Saturday morning, but we're going to come up with a system (probably a small token of some kind) to make sure registered attendees get a lunch and t-shirt.
All of us working on Day of .NET are really excited that we've "sold out". It's no surprise though -- this is the third "Day of .NET" and they keep getting bigger and better. We've got a great lineup of speakers (Mark Miller from Developer Express, Paul Kimmel, Josh Holmes from Microsoft -- just to name a few) and awesome topics (LINQ, WCF, ASP.NET, Patterns, etc...).
Hope to see you all there this Saturday!