Lansing Day of .NET Recap

I had a great time at the Lansing Day of .NET on Saturday!  Not only are people blogging about it, but it made the news too!  Awesome job guys.  You packed a lot of great stuff in one day.  As someone who helped plan the Ann Arbor Day of .NET last year, I know that it takes a lot of time and legwork to put one of those together.

I didn't get there in time to see Michael Eaton's ActiveRecord talk.  But I did catch Jay's Windsor talk.  After lunch, I did my Monorail presentation.  This was an expanded version of my 30-minute Monorail "overview" I gave during a vendor session at CodeMash this past January.  I took out a couple of the "flashy demos" of scaffolding and AJAX and got a bit more into the details of Monorail.  It went pretty well, but after doing a post-mortem (I always jot down notes on how I feel I did), I think I'd do this talk a little differently in the future.  Probably a bit more of me actually coding a few controllers and less viewing code "concepts" in Powerpoint.

But the best part was my speaker badge signed by The Elder himself!  I will cherish it for years to come.



  • Bummed that I missed the sessions on the Rhino/Castle stack.

    Any encores in the wings?

  • Brett -- I don't have any scheduled talks coming up. There's already talk of starting to plan for Ann Arbor Day of .NET in the fall. I might consider doing it for that one, but I may not have time if I'm on the planning committee.

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