
Archives / 2007
  • Caching the results from LinqDataSource

    I wanted to be able to cache the results of a query from the LinqDataSource that was used in multiple places on the page.  I whipped up this little class to do the work of caching for me.  The class, LinqCacheDataSource, handles the Selecting and Selected events.  The Selected handler inserts the result of the query into cache.  The Selecting handler gets the result from the cache.  If it doesn't find the result, the query runs as normal.  The caching will only work for selecting data.  It works great for dropdowns and other fairly static data.

  • Calculator.NET - Calculator that evaluates math expressions

    I'd like to announce the release of a little project I've been working on.  I call it Calculator.NET.  I started this project for a couple reasons.  First, I was annoyed that Windows Vista doesn't come with a better calculator.  Windows XP has Power Calculator, but that doesn't work on Vista.  Next, I was reading a blog about DynCalc by Bart De Smet on how to do mathematical calculations. That gave me the starting point on how to create Calculator.NET.