Family Update -- Jenny is Cancer Free

My wife Jenny finished her rounds of radiation a week ago, and the tests all look positive -- so as far as we know she is cancer free!  At some point, probably around the end of this year or early next year, she'll still need to have some reconstructive surgery -- but for now she's finally a free woman.  She even got to get in the swimming pool with me and the kids yesterday evening -- I don't think she could stand seeing us go swimming without her before.

By the way, speaking of swimming and my kids, I still can't believe that both of my 7-year old kids can already swim so well that you hardly have to even worry about them this summer.  They both swim just fine in the deep end, and they can dive down to the bottom and pick up toys -- even in my sister's 8 foot deep pool on July 4th.  Its just never ending amazement how much kids can do when given the opportunity -- they also already know PowerPoint!

While I'm giving family updates, I should also mention how amazing Tori did in her dance recital back a month ago -- and while I may be biased, I'm also quite serious that she is very talented.  This was her 5th year of dancing -- the first year was just a little ballet class at the community center without a recital.  Then she spent 3 years doing combo ballet/tap classes at a school on the other side of town where we lived before moving recently.  This year we enrolled her in 3 separate classes -- ballet, tap, and jazz -- at the school closer to our new house -- made possible since I work from home now.  Note that this is her thing -- its not something we make her do -- she loves dancing (and singing) and it shows all the time -- its actually incredibly hard to make her stop dancing.  Anyhow, she was in all 3 classes this year and as far as I know there were no other kids anywhere near her age that had 3 different numbers in the recital (certainly older girls often have a lot of routines).  She was one of the oldest girls in her ballet class and definitely the most experienced -- it was actually comical watching her at the recital since there were a few times that she was pointing to other younger girls with instructions!  :)  Her tap class had herself, 2 other girls about the same age, and 2 young boys -- the other school never had any boys but there are several at this school, so it was cool watching her dancing with a boy for the first time.  They all did good, but of course Tori was the best -- she knew every part and you can tell just how natural everything comes when you watch her dance.  Finally the jazz class was just her and 2 other girls about the same age -- and once again she knew every part and just shined -- she just blew me away since I really didn't think she would remember every part in 3 different routines, and do them all nearly perfect.  She's truly an amazing dancer already -- watch out for Tori Wilson in another 15 or 20 years!


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