Meeting More Gurus at TechEd on Day 1

I went to listen and review Nikhil Kothari's talk on server controls and Scott Guthrie's talk on assorted black-belt tips.  Scott again keeps giving hints about ASP.NET version 2.0, basically saying that everything he showed will be unnecessary.  Let's see, he talked about setting focus, keeping scroll position on postbacks, lots of client-side javascript, and how to add themes or skins to templated controls.  I then went to help at the ASP.NET Ask the Experts booth, and I got to meet more of the ASP.NET team, like David Ebbo and Joseph Croney.  David knew who I was and said he was referring lots of people asking about his original MasterPages to my article -- really cool.  Then I went to a get-together of TechEd bloggers, meeting Clemens Vasters, Scott Hanselman, and too many others to list here.  I also re-discovered a former co-worker, so you never really know what all to expect at these conferences.  Finally, I got to see the book I co-wrote -- ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook.  OK, I didn't contribute that much, but the book doesn't say how much, it just says I did!

1 Comment

  • <Paul>MasterPages to my article -- really cool</Paul>

    Really cool? How bout some elaboration on 'really cool'? Are you bieng humble or what?

    If someone on the ASP.NET team told me they were referring ppl to an article I wrote (even tho I haven't written any yet<g>), I'd be pretty proud.

    Brag on yourself.

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