URL Related Expression Builders
Well, it has been quite a while since I talked about expression builders. If you haven’t already, I suggest you have a look at that, I think you will find interesting stuff there. Because I think this is an important topic for ASP.NET, I have two new expression builders for you:
Saving View State in Cache
Most people who have worked with ASP.NET web forms know about view state; they may have both benefited from and cursed it, since it allows simple things to be done very easily but also as easily doing very stupid things, like filling up an HTML page with several megabytes of data which have to be submitted on each postback.
O/RMs Dissected: My first article for Software Developer's Journal
My first article for Software Developer’s Journal came out on the SDJ Extra issue. You can download it from I talk about what an O/RM is and why it is useful. Here’s the introduction:
SharePoint 2010 Leiria
Ontem ocorreu o primeiro evento SharePoint 2010 Leiria, organizado pelo David Frazão, que me convidou, e no qual tive a honra de participar. Estavam presentes cerca de 12 pessoas, com experiências muito variadas de utilização do SharePoint. Foi muito interessante, sobretudo, se se vier a repetir!