Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Future Queries
Sometimes it makes sense to send several queries at the same time to the database server. This prevents multiple roundtrips and normally can provide results faster. Knowing this, NHibernate offers two features: multiqueries and future queries. Future queries build upon multiqueries and because they use LINQ, which is probably the most common querying API in NHibernate, I will focus in this.
Unity - Part 7: Adding Interfaces
Updated: thanks, Thomas Levesque (@thomaslevesque)!
Applying Code Access Restrictions in .NET
Sometimes there is the need or desire to resort to Aspect-Oriented frameworks (AOP) in order to add some validations or cross-cutting concerns. In several situations, it is indeed necessary, but .NET already offers some hooks that we can use to achieve parts of this functionality. One of those is CodeAccessSecurityAttribute. In a nutshell, it allows the application of security checks whenever some code – method, property – is called. A somewhat well known example is PrincipalPermissionAttribute.
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Entity Mode Map
This one is a real treat!
Conditional Content in SharePoint Markup
In SharePoint, there are several web parts that allow us to have different contents depending on some conditions:
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Mixing Client and Server-Side Calls in Projections
Another not widely known feature of NHibernate: mixing client and server-side calls.
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Mapping a Class to a Query
Today I start a new series on lesser-known NHibernate features.
Nesting SPDataSource Controls
Sometimes, when you are using a SPDataSource control to bind to some list control, you might need, inside of it, to fetch information from the item you are iterating over.
Type Conversions in .NET
Updated: followed suggestion to consider the case where the destination type is an interface. Thanks, dev!
ServiceStack Succinctly
ServiceStack Succinctly is the new addition to Syncfusion’s Succinctly series. It was written by by friend Zoran Maksimovic (@zoranmax), the main author and maintainer of