SharePoint Reference Document
I updated the reference document for SharePoint that I first mentioned in a previous post.
Silverlight DynamicResource Markup Extension
This will be my first post on Silverlight!
MVP Showcase 2015 – Wrap Up
(This post is in portuguese and english)
MVP Showcase 2015
UPDATE: you can find the slide deck here.
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Custom Loggers
Extensible as it is, it's no wonder that NHibernate also supports injecting custom loggers. The support is twofold:
SharePoint XSLT Web Part
After my previous post on XSLT processing, what else could follow? Of course, an XSLT web part for SharePoint!
XSLT Processing in .NET
God only knows why, but the .NET framework only includes support for XSLT 1.0. This makes it difficult, but not impossible, to use the more recent 2.0 version: a number of external libraries exist that can help us achieve that.
MVP Showcase Portugal 2015
(Portuguese only, sorry!)
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Mapping By Attributes
Some O/RMs do their mapping based on attributes. LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework are good examples, although Entity Framework also supports mapping by code. I'm not saying this is good or bad - some people think it "pollutes" POCOs, other think it makes them easier to understand -, but, likewise, NHibernate also allows to map entities by attributes, let's see how.
Visual Studio Tips 2
Update: third post is here.