
Archives / 2020 / May
  • Unit Testing the HttpContext in Controllers

    When it comes to unit testing, it is common to use mocking to replace “external” services, that is, those that are not part of the subject under test. Not everything can be mocked, and, sometimes, when we instantiate non-POCO classes, such as controllers (ControllerBase), there are lots of things that are not instantiated by the framework and are left for us do to. Just think, for example, if you want to access request or quest string data or know if the user is logged in?

  • Dynamic Routing in ASP.NET Core 3

    ASP.NET Core 3 introduced a not so talked about feature which is dynamic routing. In a nutshell, it means that it is possible to decide at runtime the controller, action and route tokens that a request will be dispatched to. The idea is to map a route pattern to a dynamic route handler, like this: