Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Filters

Unlike other OR/Ms – which, as always, shall remain unnamed – NHibernate offers a couple of ways to automatic filter results. Basically, we have two options:

  • Static restrictions;
  • Dynamic restrictions, or filters.

Because filters offer everything that static restrictions do and more, we’ll focus on filters.

A filter can specify a restriction, in terms of a SQL clause, to either an entity as a whole (the class, not a specific query) or to a collection (bag, set, list, map, array, etc).

For example, imagine you have a table that holds values that can be translated and a translation table for that purpose:


You will want to retrieve only the translation for the current culture. A domain model could look like:


We would like to apply a restriction to the Translations property of Translatable, so as to filter the translations by the current culture.

First, we need to create a filter, this is done at Configuration level:

cfg.AddFilterDefinition(new FilterDefinition("CurrentCulture", string.Empty, new Dictionary<string, IType> { { "Culture", NHibernateUtil.String } }, false));

The restriction can be defined on the filter itself, or per entity or collection. In this case, I didn’t specify it on the filter (string.Empty), so I will need to do it at the collection level:

mapper.Class<Translatable>(x =>
        //rest goes here
        x.Set(y => y.Translations, y =>
            //rest goes here
            y.Filter("CurrentCulture", z =>
                z.Condition("Culture = :Culture");

A filter needs to be explicitly made active, and, if it contains parameters, all of its parameters must be set:

session.EnableFilter("CurrentCulture").SetParameter("Culture", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);

Now, whenever the Translations collection is retrieved, either through a SELECT or an INNER JOIN, the “Culture = :Culture” restriction - where, of course, :Culture is replaced by the current parameter value - will be applied automatically, together with the foreign key restriction.

The other option is to filter entities as a whole. Remember soft deletes? I wrote two posts on them (here and here). Instead of using static restrictions, we can instead use filters:

cfg.AddFilterDefinition(new FilterDefinition("SoftDeletes", "deleted = 0, new Dictionary<string, IType>(), true));
mapper.Class<Record>(x =>
    x.Filter("SoftDeletes", y => {});
    x.Set(y => y.Children, y =>
            y.Filter("SoftDeletes", z => {});

In this example, I define the restriction string on the filter itself, and I apply it to both the Record entity and its Children collection. This time, no parameters, but we still need to enable the filter before we issue a query:


If for any reason you want to disable a filter, it’s easy:


Or even get its definition:

var filter = sessionFactory.GetFilterDefinition("SoftDeletes");

Enjoy your filters!



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