NHibernate 3.2 Released
NHibernate 3.2 was released some weeks ago. Get the source code from the SVN repository here: https://nhibernate.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nhibernate.
Binaries here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nhibernate/files/.
Release notes: https://nhibernate.jira.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10000&version=10440.
JIRA issue tracking: https://nhibernate.jira.com.
As always, you can get help from the NHibernate Users mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/nhusers.
Lots of bug fixes and some new features. My favorite ones are:
- Mapping by code: fluent configuration, no more .hbm.xml files required;
- Subselect: ability to map SQL views as entities;
- HQL paging: TAKE and SKIP on HQL;
- Integrated bytecode provider: one less DLL to deploy.
Fabio Maulo, the NHibernate development team leader, has blogged about some of the new features in his blog. Have a look!
The binary distribution of NHContrib was not yet updated, but you can get the latest trunk from here: https://nhcontrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nhcontrib/trunk/.