Pooled Lifetime Manager for Unity

A pooled lifetime manager for Unity. Creates new objects up to a maximum size and returns them in round-robin sequence. Default pool size is set to 5, but you can override it in the appSettings section with a key:

		<!-- format is TypeName + "PoolSize" --/>
		<add key="ISomeTypePoolSize" value="10" />
	<unity xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/practices/2010/unity">
			<register type="ISomeType" mapTo="SomeType">
				<lifetime type="PooledLifetimeManager`1[[ISomeType]]"/>

Here's the code:

public class PooledLifetimeManager<T> : SynchronizedLifetimeManager where T : class
	private static List<T> list = null;
	private static Int32 index = -1;

	static PooledLifetimeManager()
		Int32 capacity = 5;

		Int32.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings [ String.Concat(typeof(T).Name, "PoolSize") ] ?? capacity.ToString(), out capacity);

		list = new List<T>(capacity);

	protected override Object SynchronizedGetValue()
		if (list.Capacity > list.Count)
			return (null);

			if (index == list.Capacity)
				index = 0;

			return (list [ index ]);

	protected override void SynchronizedSetValue(Object newValue)
		if (list.Count < list.Capacity)
			list.Add(newValue as T);

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