ASU Student Programmer Gets Slashdotted

Anil Kandangath of Arizona State University was /.'ed today. I met him last week at the Imagine Cup competition. His friend Sushant showed me his graduate school project today, and I'll talk more about that a bit later this evening. After seeing some of the work that these guys did at that competition, I have a whole newfound respect for Indian programmers. More on that later this evening as well.


  • hi. How can you characterize someone based on their nationality? Isn't it a little bit odd to say that you have more respect for a whole nation based on the abilities of an individual. The corollary, that you didn't have respect for Indian programmers before is also slightly disturbing.

  • Well, Matthew, because I'm young, I'm human, and I have had relatively little interaction with people from other countries.

    Maybe it's disturbing, but everyone has prejudices, and if you don't, then you're a liar. At least I'm honest about how I felt. And I never said I didn't respect them before. My intention was to convey that I have a lot more respect for their abilities than I did before.

    Why is it such a big deal to classify people by their nationality? I'm an American. Some people are Spanish. Others are Honduran. Big freakin deal. Nationality != race, so don't play the racial hatred card.

  • Hey Robert, I am from India.. Thanks!! A compliment from you is certainly a compliment!


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