The Decentralized Nature of Microsoft
I got the monthly ServiceProviders e-mail newsletter today, and while I was skimming through it, at the bottom I caught this article:
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine support ends September 30, 2004
Support for the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (MSJVM) ends September 30, 2004. After this rapidly approaching date, no updates, including security fixes, will be available for the MSJVM. Visit to learn more about how the MSJVM may affect your IT infrastructure, including Windows desktops, and the proactive steps your business can take to mitigate this potential threat.
Clicking through the link takes you to this paragraph:
Recognizing the need to provide a smooth transition for current users of the Microsoft® Java Virtual Machine (MSJVM), Sun Microsystems and Microsoft have agreed to extend Microsoft's license to use Sun's Java source code and compatibility test suites. This extension allows Microsoft to support the MSJVM until December 31, 2007, providing customers with the ability to transition from the MSJVM on a schedule and plan that is most effective for them.
Looks like the right hand didn't tell the left hand what's going on. Note to SteveB: Next time make sure the memo gets to everyone on the distribution list ;).