TabletPC Videos up on Channel 9

The just posted a new video from Peter Loforte on some of the new things you'll see in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 or whatever the hell they're calling it now. It's good stuff, you should check it out. The TabletPC he's using? It's a slate-vertible from HP. It works like a regular convertible, moving from Notebook node to the "flip-around-and lock" convertible mode, but with one KILLER exception. You can also completely remove the keyboard and it tirns into a slate. How cool is that. Now if it were as powerful as the Portege 4000, I'd get one.

UPDATE: It's not a slate-vertible after all. It's a slate that has the docking station/keyboard attachment. Ah well. Maybe someone will be really nice and build me a slate-vertible.

1 Comment

  • The new TIP really is phenomenal. I've been using it on my Toshiba M205 for about a month now. It makes fewer recognition errors than I make typos. I can't wait to start digging into this new SDK.

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