Initial VS2005B1 Feedback: Efficient CD Use

So I've downloaded all of the VS2005 ISOs, and they're all burned to CDs. Here's my first bit of feedback. Microsoft: Why did you make a 3MB ISO (AmberPoint)? Isn't that a waste of, among other things, a CD? My suggestion for the final release is to combine the Visio Tools, AmberPoint Express, and the Remote Debugger into one CD. Make it the "Visual Studio 2005 Extras" disc, and bring the CD count down from 8 to 6.

Hey come on. If that's the only thing I have to complain about at this point, I'd say you guys have done a pretty killer job.


  • two solutions:

    install nero and image drive

    install winrar and extract to a directory somewhere (perhaps even put the two extracted ISOS together in one directory)

    no CDs required!

  • no CDs! Just use a ROM loader like Daemon Tools....

  • I'm well aware of all those. It still doesn't matter. I'm talking about the final distro. I'm talking about the MSDN cds I'm gonna get when the final release comes out. I could care less about wasting MY cds. I don't have terabytes of space to keep my ISOs on.

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